Our Penguin class commences the journey for your child, of learning swimming strokes. We start with freestyle in this level, with children practicing their freestyle arms. This level also develops your child’s skills on their back through kicking which form the very basic skills for backstroke. By the time your child is ready to move out of this class, they will be swimming basic freestyle independently, and be comfortable while kicking on their back.
Penguins are
- Skill based progression
- Confident in the water
- Group class of 2 to 4
What do our Penguins learn?
- Introduction to Freestyle big arms
- Development of independent swimming on your child’s back - kicking, no arms.
- More advanced water safety skills - learning to correct themselves, front float/back float.
When I graduate from Penguin
- I am a reasonably confident swimmer
- I can float on my back with little support comfortably for a minimum of 5 seconds I can keep my eyes down whilst blowing bubbles for a minimum of 5 seconds while moving through the water
- I can comfortably kick on my back with a kickboard, arms extended
- I have a strong kick which alone can propel me through the water I can do a safe entry and exit independently
- I can competently produce freestyle arms through the water
- I can do a safety fall in and turn back to the wall independently
- I am capable of swimming basic freestyle for 7m independently